I blogged about LawHelp previously, which is a network of Legal Aid Websites in the US. As an add-on module for document assembly, LawHelp Interactive (LHI) uses technology to improve the legal form and document preparation process for low-income people and the attorneys who assist them. Using web-based interviews, LHI presents users with a series of questions about a particular legal issue. By collecting the information in a logical and organized way, the answers enable users to create high-quality court forms and other legal documents on their own. Used in over 40 states and U.S. territories, this technology has helped legal aid advocates, pro bono lawyers, and self-represented litigants create over 3.2 million legal documents since 2006. In 2016 alone, 529,000 documents were assembled using LHI. Top states in assemblies are New York, California, Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota.
LawHelp Interactive is available through many of the statewide legal aid websites. Pro Bono Net, a nonprofit based in New York, works closely with LSC grantees to manage the platform.