WSIS (World Summit on Information Society) progress?

Three years after WSIS ended, it is hardly mentioned in development circles anymore. I remember the hype surrounding WSIS when it was happening, when ICT was the new kid on the block.  Last month, the Commission of Science and Technology for Development (the Commision charged with monitoring the implementation of WSIS as well), convened in Geneva and issued a draft resolution on WSIS implementation. The following summary is adapted from UNCTAD's website.

UN Report on Legal Empowerment of the Poor launched

The UN Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor has released its report called Making the Law Work for Everybody- you can view and download a copy by clicking that link. The video of the official launch of this report on June 3rd can be viewed here

I was a part of the consultative process, which was typically fraught with disagreements and debates, often over the smallest details. So I am also aware that, like all UN events, resulting publications are necessarily broad and high level to achieve some level of consensus. In a few weeks I hope to provide a brief summary and critique of the report. Safe to say now that, no matter what the substance, I am happy that this has been propelled onto the international agenda. 

(update 7/9/09: My summary and initial response to the report is posted here