Tomorrow: Nigerian Internet Business Opportunities- #ICT4D Skype Chat

I will be attending this 5th (?) #ICT4D Chat tomorrow, and will update this post with the chat summary when it's available. We used to do this on twitter but our Nigerian partners have requested a chat on skype instead.

Official announcement from ICTWorks:
Are you interested in Internet-based business opportunities in Nigeria? Wondering what the possibilities and challenges are? And if Ghana, Kenya, or another African country might have a better online business environment?
Then join us for the next ICT4D Skype Chat:
Like our Twitter Chats, this will be a freewheeling conversation around our central topic - Nigerian Internet business opportunities - using the Skype Public Chat function. Be sure to get Skype to join us as we discuss:
  1. What are the online business opportunities in Nigeria?
  2. Are they greater than in Ghana or Kenya?
  3. How can Nigeria regain or extend her lead in online business?
This Skype chat will also feature four noted Internet experts discussing Nigerian Business opportunities:ti

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